According to a new report by Global Industry Analysts, a shocking 82% of all obsolete electronic and computer equipment goes unrecycled, to the tune of millions of tons a year.

The increase in these waste materials from electronic and electrical devices – materials like plastics, metals and silica — is leading to over capacity of incinerators and landfills:

“Uncontrolled disposal, dismantling, and burning are major environmental issues and often lead to surface water pollution, atmospheric pollution, and groundwater contamination, in addition to causing health and occupational safety hazards mainly resulting from the indirect and direct exposure to toxic elements in recycling plants.”

“The problem is fuelled by rapid advancements in technology, faster replacement cycles, and greater availability of recycled and new devices,” the report continues.

According to these analysts, the demand for computer and electronic equipment recycling is going to increase steadily year after year.

These experts add that electronic waste from developed nations such as the U.S. and Europe are often dumped in developing nations such as China, Thailand and India, where it is recycled using conventional and crude methods.

This is why Recycling New York, Inc. NEVER exports the old equipment we get from our business clients in the New York and New Jersey area.

Instead, all our recycling, refurbishing and resale activities are performed in America.

It’s one of the ways we help your company “go green” and do it safely and ethically. That’s just good business!

Recycling New York, Inc. offers businesses in the New York City and New Jersey area FREE pickup and recycling services for your old computers, electronics, office equipment and more.

PLUS we pay your business top dollar for all types of working and nonworking equipment.

CLICK HERE for a FREE quote and to schedule a FREE pickup or call Recycling New York, Inc. today at 917-688-9753.