Category Archive: Electronics Recycling

Copper Recycling From Old Computers Expected to Increase

Did you know that the average desktop computer contains up to five pounds of copper? Or that old-fashioned cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions and computer monitors also contain copper?
As demand for copper increases along with its price, people are turning their attention to discarded computers and electronics as sources of this essential metal.  In fact, New York computer recycling has been a more practical solution because of this copper demand increases.

At a recent meeting of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Jason Schenker of Prestige Economics said, “I am bullish on copper for 2013 and beyond.”  The good news is, we specialize in salvaging copper, gold, silver and other precious and/or toxic metals and materials from your obsolete computers, phone systems and other equipment.

When you contact Recycling New York, Inc, we come to your company and haul away your “e-waste” at no charge to you.  Better yet, if your company’s e-waste has any residual value, we will make you an offer. That’s right: we’ll pay your business to recycle.  New York computer recycling can make you and your business some money.

Contact Recycling New York, Inc. today to learn about how we can work with you to salvage copper and other metals from your unwanted computers and electronics CLICK HERE for a FREE quote and to schedule a FREE pickup or call Recycling New York, Inc. today at 917-688-9753.

Where Do Old Computers Go?

If your New York or New Jersey business has lots of old computers, broken printers and other obsolete equipment – otherwise known as “e-waste” — cluttering up your office or storage space, you aren’t alone.

According to Greenpeace and the EPA, “as much as three-quarters of the computers sold in the United States are stockpiled in garages in closets.”

These experts add, “When thrown away, they end up in landfills or incinerators or, more recently, are exported to Asia.”

Millions of tons of e-waste end up in landfills every year. Computers and similar types of business and office equipment contain hazardous materials that eventually leach into the surrounding land and ground water. This in turn endangers the safety of our food supply and overall health.

As well, electronic equipment can also contain valuable metals and minerals like copper, gold and nickel; if we simply drop off our old computers at the dump without removing these metals first, we’re letting a significant amount of precious resources go to waste.

Sometimes e-waste is incinerated instead. Unfortunately, this process releases these same toxic substances into the air. Chemicals like mercury, lead and other toxins then find their way into the food chain.

One “solution” to the growing volume of e-waste has been to export it to Asia, India or other countries for refurbishing. The trouble is, employees in these overseas recycling plants often work in unsafe conditions and receive poor compensation. Furthermore, international laws regarding landfills and incineration are lax.

The best solution to the e-waste problem is domestic recycling, here in the USA. We are now used to recycling paper and plastics, but most of us are only now becoming used to the idea of recycling old unwanted electronics, computer equipment, appliances and similar items.

Luckily, Recycling New York, Inc. is here to make it easy and even lucrative for your New Jersey or NYC company to recycle its computers, printers, telephone equipment and much more.

Contact us to learn how easy it is for your New York or New Jersey business to finally unload those used computers and so much more – and in some cases, even get money for them!

Recycling New York, Inc. offers businesses in the New York City and New Jersey area FREE pickup and recycling services for your old computers, electronics, office equipment and more, while ensuring data security that meets D.O.D. standards.

PLUS we pay your business top dollar for all types of working and nonworking equipment.

E-waste Recycling Fees Being Adopted Across North America

The Canadian province of Manitoba has become the latest region to institute recycling fees for computers and electronics.

Businesses and residents are being encouraged to drop off their unwanted equipment, including TVs, computers, printers and other peripherals, microwaves and consumer electronics to be recycled.

They will be charged these fees when they drop off their items. The new fees are designed to support this drop-off program.

Under this system, MP3 players will be assessed a fee of 40 cents, while the fee for larger items like televisions can be as high as $23.

The program is designed to get e-waste recycled, since such items frequently end up in landfills instead.

However, some complain that instead of encouraging citizens to recycle, the program will have the opposite effect, with over-taxed businesses and residents avoiding recycling to avoid these fees.

Fortunately, businesses in the New York and New Jersey area have another, more sensible option: Recycling New York, Inc.

If you own a company in the New York or New Jersey area, Recycling New York, Inc. will come to your location, pick up and recycle computers, electronics, appliances, office equipment and more – at no cost to you.

Unlike some e-waste recycling services, we not only pickup your computers and equipment for free, we will even pay you for anything that has resale value.

That means your business can get paid to recycle computer and electronics in New York and New Jersey, instead of having to pay a fee for the “privilege”!

Contact us today to learn more about how Recycling New York, Inc. can serve your New Jersey or New York business.

Recycling New York, Inc. offers businesses in the New York City and New Jersey area FREE pickup and recycling services for your old computers, electronics, office equipment and more, while ensuring data security that meets D.O.D. standards.

PLUS we pay your business top dollar for all types of working and non-working equipment.

 CLICK HERE for a FREE quote and to schedule a FREE pickup or call Recycling New York, Inc. today at 917-688-9753.

E-Scrap Conference Brings Recycling Experts to Dallas

On September 19-20, 2012, the E-Scrap Conference will take place at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas, Texas.

More than one thousand conference goers from around the world will gather to assess the state of the e-waste recycling industry, legislative policy and more.

Those attending include government officials, e-scrap processors and buyers and executives and decision makers.

The E-Scrap Conference trade show will showcase the latest e-scrap equipment and processing systems, consulting systems and new markets.

Pre-conference workshops will give attendees the opportunity to get up to speed on the issues and innovations that will be discussed in Dallas.

Recycling New York, Inc. is already an established e-waste industry leader. We serve companies in the New York or New Jersey area. Recycling New York, Inc. will come to the client’s business, pick up and recycle old computers, electronics, appliances, office equipment and more – at no cost to them.

Unlike some e-waste recycling services, we not only pickup your computers and equipment for free, we will even pay New York and New Jersey area businesses for anything that has resale value.

Contact Recycling New York, Inc. to learn more about how our state of the art services like recycling computers and electronics can benefit New Jersey or New York businesses.

Recycling New York, Inc. offers businesses in the New York City and New Jersey area FREE pickup and recycling services for your old computers, electronics, office equipment and more, while ensuring data security that meets D.O.D. standards.

PLUS we pay your business top dollar for all types of working and non-working equipment.

 CLICK HERE for a FREE quote and to schedule a FREE pickup or call Recycling New York, Inc. today at 917-688-9753.

Electronic Waste: The Good, The Bad and The Valuable

Getting a new computer or smart phone is always exciting, but we rarely wonder what happens to our old gadgets after we discard them.

The fact is, 50 million metric tons of used electronics and computer equipment — also known as “e-waste” – is generated around the world every year, as old items are replaced with the newest models.

Incredibly, over 98% of this e-waste comes from items we don’t normally think of as computers. That’s because today, millions of consumer goods like major and small “smart” appliances also come with microprocessors.

The bad news is, these microprocessors and other computer components contain “toxic substances such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, selenium, and hexavalent chromium.” When we haphazardly throw away all this equipment, these dangerous chemicals find their way into the surrounding soil and water, which in turn pollutes farmland and therefore, our food supply.

However, there’s good news too: other computer components are also valuable and highly desirable. According to one source, “a personal computer may contain up to four grams of gold and other valuable materials that can be recovered at a profit.”

It’s easy to see that for all these reasons, old computers, office peripherals, electronic equipment and more need to be carefully recycled, just like we regularly recycle paper and plastics.  Did you know about computer and electronic recycling in New York and New Jersey?

Fortunately, Recycling New York, Inc. is already an established e-waste industry leader, dedicated to ensuring that all dangerous or valuable components are retrieved from old computers, appliances and more.

Recycling New York, Inc. will come to businesses in the New York and New Jersey and pick up unwanted equipment, at no charge to the client.  Let us recycle computers and electronics for you for FREE!

Unlike many other companies, they will also pay these businesses for e-waste that has resale value.

Contact Recycling New York, Inc. and put them to work for your New Jersey or New York based business.

Recycling New York, Inc. offers businesses in the New York City and New Jersey area FREE pickup and recycling services for your old computers, electronics, office equipment and more, while ensuring data security that meets D.O.D. standards.

PLUS we pay your business top dollar for all types of working and non-working equipment.

CLICK HERE for a FREE quote and to schedule a FREE pickup or call Recycling New York, Inc. today at 917-688-9753.

Apple Changes its Policy on Green Electronics Rating System

In an earlier post, it was announced that Apple, Inc. seemed to be abandoning its efforts to make “green” electronics.

First, experts claimed that the new MacBook Pro computer was more difficult to recycle than earlier Apple computers and notebooks.

Then, Apple announced that it was going to stop using the EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) after being one of the first companies to join that green electronics ratings system when it was launched.

As described by one industry watchdog:

“EPEAT allows electronics manufacturers to highlight and validate their green design initiatives using a checklist of environmental criteria, such as designing devices for recyclability, energy efficiency, or elimination of hazardous components.”

(One incentive for partnering with EPEAT was the fact that the U.S. federal government had promised to favor EPEAT approved electronics and computers when purchasing equipment for its many government offices.)

After a great deal of criticism, Apple has reversed its decision. At its website, the company announced:

“It’s important to know that our commitment to protecting the environment has never changed, and today it is as strong as ever. Apple makes the most environmentally responsible products in our industry. In fact, our engineering teams have worked incredibly hard over the years to make our products even more environmentally friendly, and much of our progress has come in areas not yet measured by EPEAT.”

It’s fascinating that Apple, one of the biggest and most powerful companies in the world, bowed to public pressure to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

“Being green” matters to consumers today – and as the example above shows, it is also important to any company hoping to partner with governmental agencies.

At Recycling New York, Inc. we make it easy for your New York and New Jersey business to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

We provide FREE pickup and recycling of all your old computers, office equipment, business surplus, excess inventory, electronics and more.

Contact us about how we can help your company “go green,” too!

Recycling New York, Inc. offers businesses FREE pickup and recycling services in the NYC and New Jersey area for your old computers, electronics, office equipment and more, while ensuring data security that meets D.O.D. standards.

PLUS we pay your business top dollar for all types of working and nonworking equipment.

CLICK HERE for a FREE quote and to schedule a FREE pickup or call Recycling New York, Inc. today at 917-688-9753.

CRT and LCD: Don’t Forget to Recycle This Glass, Too

Long before anybody heard the expression “going green,” we’ve been recycling glass.

During World War II, communities held drives to collect valuable glass for the war effort. In peacetime, we returned glass bottles to the store to get back our deposit.

Today, recycling glass bottles, jars and other containers is part of daily life.

The glass that fills up our recycling bins usually comes from products in our kitchens or bathrooms. But what about the glass that plays such an important role in our offices and living rooms?

Between our computer monitors at home and work, and the big screen TVs in our homes, cathode ray tube (CRT) and liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors are another familiar aspect of modern living.

We may not think of them as recyclable glass, but CRT and LCD glass – sometimes called “problem glass” — is indeed capable of being safely and efficiently recycled.

The problem of what to do with old computer monitors and televisions is as old as technology itself. Today, technology exists that separates the different elements of this glass.

Safely removing the lead from these products is especially important, because the toxic effects of lead on humans and the environment are well understood.

Simply dumping old computer monitors, televisions and similar devices into landfills means that untold amounts of lead will leach into the water supply.

The amount of lead in a CRT product can be as high as 20%! According to one estimate, just one 34” TV contains over 2 lbs. of dangerous lead.

Today there is no reason to simply toss old computers and televisions sets onto the sidewalk! Some recycling companies will haul these items away for a price, but Recycling New York, Inc. will come to your business and take away all your unwanted LCD and CRT products for FREE!

Next time you invest in new computers for your company or buy a new television set, be sure to contact Recycling New York, Inc. to arrange for FREE pickup and discuss all your equipment and electronic recycling needs.

Recycling New York, Inc. offers businesses in the New York City and New Jersey area FREE pickup and recycling services for your old computers, electronics, office equipment and more, while ensuring data security that meets D.O.D. standards.

PLUS we pay your business top dollar for all types of working and nonworking equipment.

CLICK HERE for a FREE quote and to schedule a FREE pickup or call Recycling New York, Inc. today at 917-688-9753.

Selling Your Business Surplus Puts Cash in Your Pocket

Is it possible to have too much of a good thing? It is when that “good thing” is too much office equipment, excess inventory and other business surplus.

No matter how big or how small your New Jersey business is, chances are you’ve got some “stuff” you need to get rid of.

Maybe you’ve just purchased new office equipment and need to dispose of the old items.

Perhaps your company is closing down, moving to a new location or going into bankruptcy, or you simply have old computers, electronics and other business surplus just sitting around in the closet collecting dust.

It’s possible you’ve looked at all your unwanted equipment and thought about just putting it out on the sidewalk for the garbage collectors.

What you may not realize is that, when you throw your used business equipment out with the trash, you’re also potentially throwing away money!

That’s because at Recycling New York, Inc., we do more than just take away your old electronics and computers for recycling. We’re also interested in liquidating your unwanted, unusable business surplus, overstock, excess inventory, open box and returned items.

Recycling New York, Inc. specializes in helping New Jersey companies sell excess inventory and office equipment.

We will make you an offer on your items, and pride ourselves on paying the most of any of our competitors.

Alternately, we can sell your items on consignment and split the revenue with your company. The choice is yours.

Even better, when you work with Recycling New York, Inc. we will do everything we can to recycle the computers and electronics we can’t refurbish and resell in the most environmentally friendly way possible. This is a better alternative to just throwing your old equipment in the trash, because that means it will end up in an already overcrowded landfill, where it will leak paint, metals and other toxins into the surrounding ground and water supply.

Recycling New York, Inc. can help you “go green” – while putting some “green” in your pocket!

We want to work with your New Jersey company to help you liquidate your surplus equipment quickly. We do all the work and your company gets all the benefits. It’s just that simple.

Recycling New York, Inc. offers businesses in the New York City and New Jersey area FREE pickup and recycling services for your old computers, electronics, office equipment and more, while ensuring data security that meets D.O.D. standards.

PLUS we pay your business top dollar for all types of working and nonworking equipment.

 CLICK HERE for a FREE quote and to schedule a FREE pickup or call Recycling New York, Inc today at 917-688-9753.

New York City Companies Discover Benefits of “Green” Business Surplus Liquidation

New York City businesses large and small, old and new, have one thing in common: Excess inventory and unwanted office equipment they are desperate to get rid of.

Keeping excess inventory on the books affects every company’s bottom line. Meanwhile, how many of these same businesses are wasting high-priced office space to store some old business equipment they haven’t used in years?

That’s where Recycling New York, Inc. comes in.

We’re famous for recycling old computer and electronic equipment in NYC. Yet, we also specialize in paying top dollar for your business surplus and excess inventory, too.

It won’t cost you anything in terms of time or money – in fact, when your New York City business works with us, you can even make money! Here’s how:

  • At no charge, our team comes to your location and takes away your business surplus, office equipment and excess inventory.
  • Next, we assess your items and will offer you top dollar for everything, right on the spot.

This can be done one of two different ways:

  • Recycling New York, Inc. can send out our procurement specialist to assess your equipment and make you an offer. If you accept our offer, we will pay you the amount and then pick up the items free of charge.  
  • Alternatively, your business may choose to let Recycling New York, Inc. sell your “stuff” on consignment, in which case we’ll share the profits with you.

Either way, partnering with Recycling New York, Inc. to dispose of your unwanted office equipment and surplus inventory is a better alternative to just throwing it all away with the rest of the trash.

Not only do you get some money back for your items, but you’ll know that none of it ended up in an overcrowded landfill, leeching paint, metal and other dangerous toxins into the New York City water table and surrounding environment.

So don’t throw cash out with the trash!

Recycling New York, Inc. will happily take almost anything off your company’s hands, help you liquidate excess inventory and used office equipment, and make you a generous offer for it all.

It’s a win-win situation!

Recycling New York, Inc. offers businesses in the New York City and New Jersey area FREE pickup and recycling services for your old computers, electronics, office equipment and more, while ensuring data security that meets D.O.D. standards.

PLUS we pay your business top dollar for all types of working and nonworking equipment.

 CLICK HERE for a FREE quote and to schedule a FREE pickup or call Recycling New York, Inc. today at 917-688-9753.

Old Computers, Electronics – A “Goldmine” of Precious Metals

Did you know that discarded computers and electronic equipment contain “deposits” of precious metals “40 to 50 times richer than ores mined from the ground”?

That’s the startling claim made in a new report from the United Nations University and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative.

Each year, 320 tons of gold and 7,5000 tons of silver go into the making of new consumer electronics and other gadgets and equipment. Yet, only 15% of these precious metals are recovered from the old, used equipment, or e-waste.

Instead, most of it ends up in landfills, going to waste while polluting the surrounding land and water.

When businesses throw their unwanted electronics and computers into the garbage, they are literally throwing away money.

The wiser option is to work with a company that specializes in recycling, refurbishing and reselling your used items.

Recycling New York, Inc. will make you an offer for any used electronic equipment you have that has resale value. We will recycle the rest in the most eco-friendly way possible.

Don’t toss out your potentially valuable office items and electronics without contacting Recycling New York, Inc. first!

Recycling New York, Inc. offers businesses in the New York City and New Jersey area FREE pickup and recycling services for your old computers, electronics, office equipment and more.

PLUS we pay your business top dollar for all types of working and nonworking equipment.

CLICK HERE for a FREE quote and to schedule a FREE pickup or call Recycling New York, Inc. today at 917-688-9753.